
Ms. Olivia L. Banks, USDA-Agricultural Marketing Service, 1-540-361-1120, 10/25/2023

USDA Proposed Revision to both Inshell and Shelled Pecan Standards

On October 11, 2023, the USDA published the first major revision to the standards for both inshell and shelled pecans since their initial publishing in July 1969.  There are several major changes.  They are as follows:

  1. The old kernel standard had two grades, US #1 and Commercial Grade. Both have been eliminated.

  2. The new kernel standard will have five quality grades: US Premier, US Extra Fancy, Fancy, Choice and Standard.

  3. The sizes of both pieces and halves have been standardized.  There will no longer be an Extra-Large half size.

  4. The definitions for color, foreign material, damage, etc., have also been standardized with specific tolerances for each of the five grades.

  5. The inshell standard codifies industry practices and provides guidance relative to color, foreign material, insect damage, etc.

The proposal took five years to get to this point and involved the input from both growers and shellers from across the country as well as Mexico, South Africa and Australia.  Two industry zoom conferences with the USDA were also held to clarify differences and get agreement on the final wording. Both sets of standards were unanimously approved by the American Pecan Council.  Once adopted, the biggest challenge for the industry will be the education of both buyers and sellers. However, the standards will reward both growers and shellers who take the time, and make the effort, to produce the highest quality product possible.  The USDA has requested comments from the industry, as well as buyers, on the standards by December 11th.  

Proposed Inshell & Shelled Pecan Standards.pdf

The Pecan Grower Magazine, April 2020 issue, Daniel J. Zedan Author, 04/27/2020

Things Are Looking Better

An overview of market conditions prior to the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The article looks at the changing supply situation and what could be a turn around in market pricing as supply and demand approach equilibrium after three years of oversupply.

Things are Looking Better.pdf

Produce Business, October 2018; authors Doug Ohlemeir an Howard Riell, 10/31/2018

Pecans Gaining Ground. Promoting Versatility and Health Benefits Throughout the Year Can Increase Sales

An overview of the pecan market and how best to promote them throughout the year, not just during the holidays

Pecans Merchandising Oct. 2018.pdf

Bob Sechler, Austin Statesman, September 28, 2018, 10/01/2018

Texas Pecans in the Crosshairs of Trade War as Harvest Gets Underway

An overview of the potential impact trade tariffs could have on the Texas pecan growers

Austin Statesman 09282018 Article.pdf

Pecan South Magazine, July 2018 Issue; Daniel J. Zedan author, 07/11/2018

South Africa-The Pecan Industry's Next Paradigm Shift?

An overview of pecan production in South Africa and possible impact on the US Pecan Industry

South Africa-The Pecan Industy's Next Paradigm Shift.pdf

Associated Press, Emily Schmall, May 3, 2018, 05/07/2018

US Pecan Growers Seek To Break Out Of The Pie Shell

As part of the re-branding of the pecan, on April 25, 2018, the American Pecan Council launched its new marketing campaign, "American Pecans, The Original Supernut," in an effort to reposition the pecan as more than just a holiday nut or pie filler.

AP Story-Rebranding of the American Pecan.pdf


American Pecan Council, Advisable Marketing Policy for 2017

This is the first report to the Secretary of Agriculture by the American Pecan Council. It was submitted to the Secretary in September, 2017

American Pecan Council 2016 Review.pdf

Pecan South Magazine, by Diane Jackson, February 2018 Issue, 02/02/2018

The National Pecan Sheller's Association Celebrates its 75th Anniversary

The National Pecan Sheller's Association (NPSA) continues to grow as it celebrates its 75th Anniversary.


US Business Executive, by Nick Randall and Matt Dodge, September 23, 2016, 12/22/2016

Nature's Finest Foods, Ltd. - A Commitment to Industry Advocacy and Consulting in the Pecan Market

Selected as an 'Industry Leader,' the article reviews the business philosophy of Nature's Finest Foods and some of it's current projects

Nature's Finest Foods Ltd.pdf


USDA Announces Newly Elected American Pecan Council Members

The attached PDF file is a list of those individuals who have been elected to the newly created American Pecan Council.

American Pecan Council-Board Members.pdf

Rabobank Food & Agribusiness research & Advisory July 2016 Newsletter; Vernon Crowder, Fresh Product Sr. Analyst, James Williamson, Fresh Produce Associate Analyst, 09/12/2016

U.S. Pecans - Fighting for Their Share

An investors view of the potential impact the new Federal Marketing Order could have on the US Pecan Industry

Rabobank Article.pdf

MetLife Agricultural Finance - Summer Quarterly 2016; Trevor Warren, Associate Western Regional Office, 08/12/2016

Smaller Pecan Industry Aiming to Emulate Larger Tree Nuts

The MetLife Agricultural Market Research team presents a brief overview of the impact China has had on the pecan industry and the possible impact of the recently passed Federal Marketing Order.

MetLife Agricultural Finance - Summer Quarterly 2016.pdf

US Department of Agriculture, Fruit & Tree Nuts Outlook: Economic Insight - March 27, 2015, 03/30/2015

China's Potential as an Export Market for Tree Nuts

'China has grown to become a significant market for U.S. tree nut exports, despite being a global leader in tree nut production itself.'

fts358sa.pdf, October 31, 2014, 11/04/2014

ADM/Golden Peanut Acquires Harrell Nut Company

On October 31, 2014, Golden Peanut Company, LLC, a subsidiary of ADM announced that they had acquired Harrell Nut Company. They also announced that with the acquisition, they would be changing their name to Golden Peanut and Tree Nuts.

Golden Peanut Purchases Harrell Pecan Co.pdf

US Business Executive - Summer 2014, 09/03/2014

Nature's Finest Foods - Industry expertise in tree nut brokerage

An overview of the company's history and business philosophy

US Business Executive-Summer 2014.pdf

FoodNews and The Public Ledger, August 22, 2014, 08/28/2014

Pecan Price Gap Narrows But Market Still Bullish

The price gap between halves and pieces has narrowed but the spread remains quite strong......

Food News Website & The Public Ledger Article 08-22-2014.pdf

Produce Business - 25th Anniversary Issue, October 2013, 10/30/2013

Industry Meets Pecan Challenges Head-On

An overview of how the Pecan industry has handled the challenges of the past few years particularly as to the impact China has had on the market

Produce Business - October 2013.pdf

Abstract for the presentation made at the Oklahoma Growers Annual Meeting, June 28, 2013, Ardmore, OK. Also Published in the September 2013 issue of Pecan South titled 'Recent events underscore need for cooperation, leadership.', 06/28/2013

Anatomy of a Market Crash: An Overview of the 2012-2013 Pecan Crop

While record high prices may have been the greatest contributing factor to the current market malaise, there were a number of other factors that contributed to the severe market decline. The presentation focus' on six of the factors that led to the market's decline.

Anatomy of a Market Crash-An Overview of the 2012-2013 Pecan Market.pdf

CNN Money - January 31, 2013, 01/31/2013

'China's latest investment craze: US pecans'

Attracted by their perceived health benefits, the Chinese are gobbling up pecans from the United States in record amounts.

Chinas Latest Investment Craze-US Pecans.pdf

Dallas Star-Telegram, Nov 16, 2012 by Barry Shlachter, 11/21/2012

Pecan prices fall from their nutty heights

'A late Lunar New Year in China this winter and the easing of the drought in parts of Texas are contributing to lower pecan prices for holiday pie bakers, about $9.35 for a pound of shelled halves, down from as high as $11 to $12.50.'

Dallas Star-Telegram 11-16-2012.pdf

San Antonio Express News, Thursday, November 1, 2012, by William Pack, 11/06/2012

Go nuts for the holidays: Pecan prices lower

"The holidays will have some extra crunch for pecan lovers without the bitter aftertaste of rising prices, thanks to a plentiful crop.'

San Antonio Express News Article 11012012.pdf

Pecan South, 05/01/2012

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

Mark Twain once said that there are three kinds of lies; ‘there are lies, damn lies and statistics.’ Used by many but understood by few, no one can stay in business very long, or expect to be very successful, without good statistics.

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics.pdf

Wall Street Journal, 04/06/2012

Pecan Buyers Shelled By Bad Data
2012-04-06WSJArticle-Pecan Buyers Shelled By Bad Data.pdf

Dallas Star-Telegram, 11/07/2011

Texas Has High Demand But Not Enough Pecans

Wall Street Journal, 04/18/2011

Shell Shock; Chinese Demand Reshapes US Pecan Business

Pecans are as all-American as anything can be. Washington and Jefferson grew them. They are the state nut of
Arkansas, Alabama and Texas. The U.S. grows about two-thirds of the world's pecans and chews most of them itself.

2011-04-18WSJArticle-Shell Shock-Chinese Demand Reshapes US Pecan Business.pdf

New York Times, 06/29/2010

Fostering China’s Taste for Nuts

How might the Chinese best like to snack on their almonds? Pickled with chili peppers? Wrapped in seaweed like sushi? Or perhaps mixed with donkey hide glue, a Substance prized in traditional Chinese medicine?


Pecan South, 03/01/2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

Change is inevitable. As General Eric Shinseki, Chief of Staff, US Army once noted, ‘If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.’

Be Careful What You Wish For.pdf

The Manufacturing Confectioner, 01/01/2010

Nuts as an Ingredient - How Safe is Safe?

Due to differences in their physical characteristics and how various nuts are grown, handled and processed, a tailored approach to safety is necessary.


Pecan South, 11/01/2008

Where's the Beef?
Where's the Beef.pdf


Daniel J. Zedan, 09/22/2023

Review of 2022 Pecan Crop-Presentation Made to the NPSA Annual Meeting

Daniel J. Zedan, 01/25/2023

Pecan Market Overview-PTNPA Presentation on the State of the Pecan Market

This pdf file contains the PowerPoint presentation made during the Commodity Workshop at the annual meeting of the Peanut and Tree Nut Processor Association from January 14-16, 2023.  The slides illustrate supply and demand as of January 2023, factors impacting both and historic pricing trends.

PTNPA Convention 2023 Commodity Workshop.pdf


Available Supply Falls as Consumption Hits Record High

This is a PDF copy of the presentation I made last week at the annual meeting of the National Pecan Sheller’s Association. Two numbers have changed since then. First, the NPSA estimated the 2021 crop at 322,925,000 inshell pounds, slightly higher than the 297 million pound estimate from the Texas Pecan Growers meeting. Second, COMNUEZ lowered their estimate of the Mexican crop to 254 million pounds. With over 241,000 producing acres, that number seems very low. However, it is the current figure. Between the two, total world supply remains almost identical to what is in the slide. However, if the Mexican crop is as small a currently projected, than the total supply available to US Marketers will be approximately 100 million pounds less than a year ago.

2021 Aug NPSA Annual Mtg.pdf

Presentation made at the March 12, 2019 National Pecan Sheller's Association Meeting, 03/12/2020

US Exports and Domestic Consumption Continue to Rise as Supply Appears to Stabilize

Presentation made at the 3/12/2020 NPSA Spring Meeting regarding the 2019 crop, world pecan production and consumption trends.

2020 March NPSA Presentation.pdf


2018/2019 Pecan Crop Overview and Forecast

This is a copy of the presentation made to the National Pecan Sheller's at their annual meeting in Nashville, TN on September 12, 2019. It is an overview of the 2018 market conditions and projections for the 2019 marketing year.

2019 Sept NPSA Presentation.pdf


2018/2019 - A Recap of the 2018 Crop

This presentation was made to approximately 150 South African Growers in Hartswater, S. Africa on April 30, 2019. The presentation looks at the 2018 Pecan Crop, the impact that weather and the tariffs had on pricing and projections going forward

2019 S. Africa Presentation.pdf


2018 Pecan Crop-An Overview through March 2019

This is a copy of the PowerPoint presentation made at the March 14, 2019 National Pecan Sheller's meeting. It was prepared before the USDA came out with their revised crop estimate of 221.2 million pounds. Readers need only replace the previous estimate of 278.9 with 221.2 to come up with revised estimates.

2019 NPSA Presentation.pdf

Pecan Commodity Workshop Presentation Made at the Annual Meeting of the Peanut & Tree Nut Processors Association by Daniel J. Zedan, 01/21/2019

Overview of the 2018 Pecan Crop

An overview of the 2018 pecan crop with information on current market impactors, supply, demand, production, etc. as well as a look at long term market impactors

2019 PTNPA Presentation - Pecan D Zedan 1 11 19.pdf


2017 Crop in Review

An overview of the 2017 crop, world supply and future trends as presented at the September 14, 2018 Annual Meeting of the National Pecan Shellers Association in San Diego, CA

2018 NPSA September Meeting Presentation.pdf


A Look at Current Market Conditions

This presentation was made on April 25, 2018 in Hartswater, South Africa to a group of South African Pecan Growers. While similar to a presentation made to the National Pecan Sheller's Association in March, this presentation added additional slides regarding supply projections over the next five years as well as expected pricing.

2018 S. African Presentation.pdf


2017 Pecan Crop Update

This is a PDF of the presentation made on March 15, 2018 to the National Pecan Sheller's Mid-Winter Meeting in San Antonio, TX

2018 NPSA Mid-Winter Meeting Presentation.pdf


2016/2017 Pecan Crop Overview

This is the presentation that was made to the National Pecan Sheller's Association annual meeting, September 7, 2017. It takes a brief look at pecan supply, imports, consumption, etc.


2016 Pecan Crop - A Review

This presentation was made at the National Pecan Sheller's Meeting held March 22-24, 2017 at Tubac Resort, Tubac, AZ. It is an updated version of the presentation made to the South African Pecan Growers. It takes a look at the reasons behind the unprecedented market prices as well as future supply potential over the next five years.


2015/2016 Pecan Crop Year - 'Thru the Looking Glass'

This presentation was made at the South African Pecan Industry Conference, March 15, 2017, in Hartswater, South Africa. I takes a look at the circumstances that led to record 2016 pecan prices, the impacts on US Exports and Consumption, increases in world-wide pecan production, a brief overview of the new American Pecan Council and a comparative look at pecan, almond, walnut and pistachio prices


A Review of the 2014 Pecan Crop

This presentation takes a look at the various factors that impacted pricing and consumption during the 2014 Crop Year. It was made to the South African Pecan Producers Association (SAPPA) on Friday, November 6, 2015

2015 SAPPA Presentation.pdf

Presentation Made to the South African Pecan Producers Association on February 27, 2015, 02/26/2015

The 2014/2015 Pecan Market: How Did We Get Here & Where Are We Headed?

This presentation looks at the pecan industry prior to the entry of China into the market, the impact that their entry has had on the industry and a look to the future and where the industry might be headed. Pre and post 2007 supply, demand, market pricing, etc. are reviewed as well as the challenges facing the industry going forward.

2015 S. African Pecan Assoc Presentation.pdf


January 18, 2015 Presentation to the Peanut & Tree Nut Processors Association

A brief overview of the 2104 pecan crop as presented on January 18, 2015 to the Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association annual meeting at the Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego, CA

2015 PTNPA Presentation.pdf

PowerPoint Presentation Made at the Oklahoma Pecan Growers Annual Meeting, June 28, 2013, Ardmore, OK, 06/28/2013

Anatomy of a Market Crash: An Overview of the 2012-2013 Pecan Crop

January 2012 Presentation to The National Pecan Sheller's Association, 01/01/2012

A Look At The 2011 Pecan Crop After The FAS Data Corrections

January 2010 Presentation to the Peanut & Tree Nut Processors, 01/01/2010

2009/2010 Pecan Crop Overview; The Perfect Storm

Presentation to the Southeastern Pecan Grower's Association (SEPGA), and published in 'Pecan South', 02/21/2009

Effects Of The US Economy on the Pecan Market; There's More to Product Pricing Than Supply

Effects of the US Economy on the Pecan Market – There’s More to Product Pricing than Supply

There’s More to Product Pricing than Supply

Presentation to the Southeastern Pecan Grower's Association (SEPGA), and published in 'Pecan South', 02/23/2008

2007-2008 Crop Year; A Market Overview